The City of St. Petersburg celebrates inclusivity and diversity all year round. In honor of Pride month and with the help of St. Pete's Marketing Department, Sherrish Long and I created this campaign to encourage others to express love and support for our LGBTQ+ community by spreading kindness and positivity - and sharing stories of strength, love, and empowerment. The letters could be different things: a personal story, words of encouragement to a stranger, or a message explaining why celebrating Pride month and our LGBTQ+ community is important. After writing a note people were encouraged to tag @StPeteFL for a chance to be featured on their page and have their letter be reproduced and distributed in the annual St. Pete Pride Parade. Each of the 11 participating locations were supplied with a display, a stack of cards, and a handful of writing tools to kick start the creativity.
“Letters of Love” is a trademark of the City of St. Petersburg. All photographs owned by and used with the permission of the City of St. Petersburg.
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